How To Win Small Business Saturday

How To Win Small Business Saturday

In just 9 days, the biggest day for Small Business retail shopping will finally be here. Small Business Saturday is set for November 28th, and an estimated 42 million shoppers will descend on America’s small businesses to buy everything from consumer goods to electronics. Whether you own a small card shop or a diner, you need to be prepared to snag as much of the business heading your way as possible. Here are a few tips to help you make the most of this special day.

Stay Open Longer
Small Business Saturday is the biggest small business shopping event of the year, so take full advantage by opening early and staying open later. After-all it’s much easier to attract new customers when you’re open, right?

Prepare Your Staff
Make sure your staff are prepared for all the new customers by shining up on their customer service and up-selling skills. Have bundles prepared, so they can easily suggest additional items to customers.

Dress Up Your Store
Your staff aren’t the only ones who may need a Holiday Spirit upgrade. Put your staff and customers in the mood for shopping by decorating your store in an enticing and unusual way that captures your unique business. The best part is, once you have the store dressed up, you can post pictures to Social Media for an added marketing boost.

Make it a Block Party
The holidays are about sharing, right? So why no get your neighbors in on the action and attract more customers through cooperation? Stringing together several stores with promotions and sales in one place will make your location more enticing.

Make it a Weekend Affair
Just because it’s called Small Business Saturday doesn’t mean Big Business should get all the fun the rest of the weekend. Start SMS early with some Black Friday specials, and be sure to prepare your website with some awesome Cyber Monday specials.

Small Business Saturday is the best day of the year for small businesses. Make the most of it by increasing your exposure to new customers and getting the most out of the ones you get in your store.

And be sure to tag @UGASBDC_GSU on Twitter or Instagram with all your amazing #SmallBizSat pics and promotions.